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WoAA is dedicated to supporting women and gender minorities in aerospace and believes that K-12 outreach is an integral part of that mission. 

To support this mission, the WoAA Outreach subcommittee is piloting a new pen pal program, “WoAA Pals!,” which aims to connect high school students interested in aerospace or STEM with WoAA members. Our mission is to provide students with support and resources to explore STEM career paths by answering questions and discussing our members’ paths in STEM. More information can be found in the FAQ Section.

  1. Read through the code of conduct 

  2. Sign the consent form (and have your parent/guardian sign too, if you’re under 18)

  3. Ask a teacher at your school to be your ‘virtual chaperone.’ Although we do not anticipate contacting your teacher, having a point of contact is a requirement of the program.

  4. Fill out the self-nomination form, where we’ll ask for your ‘virtual chaperone’, consent form, and we’ll ask about your interests to match you with the best pen pal!

  5. Once we have all the paperwork, we’ll email you and your match! Have fun writing to your pen pal!

Thanks for submitting!

 If you're in high school and would like to be paired with a WoAA member through this pen pal program, follow the steps below to apply!

HAve questions? contact us!

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What is WoAA?

WoAA is a national coalition of women, gender minorities, and allies in the aerospace industry. WoAA is dedicated to empowering women and gender minorities in the field by providing them with the professional, technical, and outreach resources to succeed.


What is WoAA Pals?

To support this mission, the WoAA Outreach subcommittee is piloting a new pen pal program, “WoAA Pals!,” which aims to connect high school students interested in aerospace or STEM with WoAA members. Our mission is to provide students with support and resources to explore STEM career paths by answering questions and discussing our members’ paths in STEM. 


Who are the WoAA members/WoAA pals? 

WoAA members are the mentors. They are college students and young professionals who are official members of WoAA. WoAA pals are the high school students participating in the program.


Why should you participate? 

If you are at all interested in STEM or Aerospace, THIS is the place to be! Get all your questions answered about college, STEM, the aerospace industry, and more from someone in the field! This is your chance to connect with people across the industry and see how you envision yourself in STEM.

Who can sign up?

Everyone in grades 9-12 can sign up for WoAA Pals! with parent/guardian permission and a point of contact at your school. Students will be matched with WoAA Members on a first-come, first-serve basis.


How do I sign up?

Fill out the self-nomination form and upload your consent form! Remember that if you are under 18, you are also required to have a parent or legal guardian signature on this form.


What’s the time commitment? Are there any other rules?

We ask that you and your pal communicate at least once per month. We also expect you to follow our code of conduct. Violation of these rules can result in removal from the program.


What should I expect?

You should expect at least one monthly letter (or email) exchange with your pen pal plus a newsletter filled with new opportunities, resources, and events tailored to high-school students. This pen pal relationship is what YOU make of it, so we highly encourage you to communicate more frequently than this, ask questions, attend WoAA events, and more!

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